Thursday, January 08, 2004

The Joys of the Hotel Industry!

Here I sit at work. The wonderful, mysterious, all-around lamness of the hotel enterprise. My job title is "front desk clerk" but I think "guy who gets paid to screw around" is more fitting a description of my duties. I mean, technically, I am at the front desk (or more so an office adjoing the front desk area), but I seldom do anything regarding that whole realm. Well, every now and then the phone rings and I answer it, but that never really gets in the way of my screwing around. To call my job "lax" would be a gross understatement. At points, I even find it hard to refer to this as a job. I mean, it's more like a hang out. A hang out that feels the need to supply me with a paycheck to show up. My "job" duties include, but are not limited too: Drinking coffee, smoking Camel Lights, watching television, surfing the internet, reading, eating (free) food off of the buffet, playing pool in the bar, and listening to music. In an average eight hour shift, a liberal estimate of actual labor I employ is roughly half an hour. I even get rooms all over the world at any Choice Hotel (Quality Inn, Comfort Inn, etc) for a massivly reduced price ($20 total). To put it plainly, this job kicks ass.


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