Friday, June 03, 2005

People and their lame bid-ness.

It never ceases to amaze me that people constantly shine their ability to make the wrong decision. They go to their jobs, their movies, their homes, their drinks, their meaningless fucks, to the post office, the bank, to church, to Burger King so they can get ever the more obese, to their shrinks so they can blame their problems on everyone they know, to the gym, to the store to buy more shit, everywhere that they think they want to be but don't need to go.

I say this because as I was going to the post office for work I was coming up upon a cat someone had hit in the middle of town and the poor thing was still coherent, albeit about to die, but it still had the ability to watch these cars go past and ignore it while it felt the pain of certain death riding through it's bones. I know it's just a fucking cat, but how hard is it to fucking stop and try to help it? We've all been in that situation, "I see it, but should I stop? I mean I really have to get to... Blah blah fucking blah." You know what I did? I stopped. I did what everyone ought to do. What did I do to help? I called animal control so they could come pick up the cat and "do whatever they can do" which translates to putting the cat out of it's misery and going on with the business day. I know I couldn't heal the cat, explain to the cat what was happening, or even comfort the cat at all, but God damn it I did something. Why didn't anyone else? Because they were all too self absorbed and thinking someone else would do it. Well thank goodness, Motherfuckers, someone did. This time it was me and fuck you for signing me up you egocentric pieces of shit.


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