Monday, August 29, 2005


As of current life is pretty easy maintained and enjoyable. The last few days have been nice and stress-free. I've talked to and seen a lot of people I've been meaning to get together with in one fashion or another, the bloody mary I currently sip is cold and spicy, I've built a peppy, carefree playlist on Winamp (featuring Reel Big Fish, The Arcade Fire, The Toadies, and Harvey Danger to mention a few), and life in general is going splendidly. It must be if I can list off such mundane details as my current listening and what drink I'm holding.... Go ahead, be jealous.....

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Freeze dried hands & unpaid bar tabs.

So Blogger has this new publish straight from Microsoft Word thing that I’m currently playing with. Normally I’d do a “test post” to see if everything is hunky dory but it’s gotten to the point that I simply trust Blogger and all the tools they keep coming up with; from audio posting and photo publishing they’ve been incredibly reliable (especially by internet service standards). Albeit a moot point if I don’t post anything, but fuck you for even thinking that, you needy skank. I’ve been busy (I really haven’t been).


What’s up with me? Why haven’t I blogged? What have I been doing? Hmmm… Not a lot. The Stones are touring again, Trent Lott’s still an inbred moron, and the Dodgers are playing well below my expectations, but what else is new? Well, since you asked:

  1. My Jetta’s starting to act like I’m dating it (we only do what it wants to do, it whines when it’s hot out, I think it’s letting other guys drive it, etc)

  2. My work schedule’s become so hectic that a social life seems more out of the question than another ten years out of Peter Jennings.

  3. I seemingly walked out on a bill at El Sombrero.

  4. My old buddy Casey sent me a random message via My Space and it made me pretty happy.

  5. The anti-high fructose corn syrup plan has been working swimmingly since I discovered the 12 pack of Snapple’s Diet Peach Iced Tea.

  6. I saw the Aristocrats for the second time and laughed harder than the first.

  7. Some punk bitch looked and me and was all frontin’, so I busted a cap in his bitch white ass.

  8. I found Jesus Christ as my personal savior, asked to borrow money, then pretended I didn't know him.

  9. It’s been so long since my last haircut that I look like I could be in an Oasis cover band fronted by that tool from the Verve.

  10. I discovered that if you hold a can of canned air upside down you inadvertently stand the chance freezing the shit out of your own hand.

And that, my friends, is pretty much it.

Peace, Love, & Afropicks,

- eric.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

It has been brought to my attention.

I should blog more often, no?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Culture vs. Time

Am I the only person that has a queue of books, albums, and movies that I need to pay attention to that is a lot longer than my patience allows? I mean sweet Christ, it's insane.

Roses are red, violets are blue, please touch me there, my balls are so...

We've all seen the large, multi-colored, magnetic letters on refrigerators, right? I assume they're for kids but I personally have never seen a child use them. I have, though, seen drunken college kids and wannabe poets use the little typewriter fashioned ones to spell out perverse and thought-limited limericks (the rhyme schemes are usually intact though, almost like a porn star version of Doctor Seuss). So, are they a seldom used educational toy or just an oddly familiar studio prop used by motion pictures to simulate an intelligent atmosphere for a child? Wish I knew.