Wednesday, January 09, 2008

So what you're saying is... I can't vote for Jed Bartlett?

An ideal president would be endowed with a fierce intellect, great (though not infallible) personal integrity, toughness tempered with essential compassion for the less fortunate, and a sense of humor. It's sad though, that outside of Aaron Sorkin's writing prowess, that's a Utopian dream that can never be truly realized. Here in reality we're stuck with leftists that can't make a decision as to what they want on a pizza, let alone how to handle foreign policy, G.O.P. front runners that seem to be reciting quotes from a bible with a few choice pages missing, and candidates that are simply spokesmen for whatever lobby bought them tickets to the Super Bowl. Our voting choices have gone from the lesser of two evils to the lesser of about 20 this year.

It's kind of like driving around while you're hungry and trying to decide between shitty burritos at Taco Bell, greasy chicken from Kentucky Fried, or what's-supposed-to-pass-for-beef "burgers" at McDonald's. You know that none of them will be satisfying, and certainly none of them are good for you, and that you should just go home and cook for your damned self, but laziness prevails and you end up with a night full of heartburn and regret. I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe we, as a nation, should cook home more often. Get involved in politics, don't just make an empty choice and hope for the best. Do some research, write letters to politicians, or Hell, consider running for office. Nothing's sadder than an empty-minded wannabe with a fact or two that thinks they have all the answers. It's these people that are destroying the country, and it's people like us that can have our facts right and help bring the country back to logic, not empty ideas and pandering for money.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're my hero. I wish more people thought like this!

You should watch "Fiat Empire." It's available free on google videos and youtube. Or, you can buy the movie online. More information about our nations troubles.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Beezle said...

Yay you. Really, yay, yay, yay until the cows come home and cook their own burgers.

11:22 AM  

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