Wednesday, March 21, 2007

On Abortion...

   "Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." ~ Edward Abbey

   On the 19th, the House approved a measure that would require doctors to offer to show patients requesting an abortion an ultrasound image of the fetus. Seriously. How festive.

   On paper, it seems like a pretty stupid plan. In practice, it's going to seem even stupider by the sheer aimlessness and needless cruelty involved. To start, I seriously cannot imagine that a lot of young ladies will opt to see a picture who's only discernable function is securing a future of second guessing a decision they made when they were younger and a lot less mature. It'd be like seeing a video of what your life would be like if you were happily married to your best friend's wife while you, in reality, remain lonely and single. In a term, no one would ever choose to see what's in the box. Not ever.

   As dizzying as this is, it was almost even worse. The measure was changed so that there was a choice involved. Originally, it was going to be mandatory, which instead of being simply needless, would have been ridiculously cruel. Not that it justifies this, but these poor women at least have the power to say no. The emendation, does however, bring up the problem of an obviously pro-choice medical professional being legally required to make their patient's procedure even more emotionally difficult. The House has somehow forced one of their own antagonists to propagate their agenda. And, as we've seen before with the numerous attacks on abortion professionals, closed-minded political aficionados almost always shoot the messengers, not the lawmakers.

   The lawmakers themselves are an entirely different conversation, but I will say that roughly 77% of anti-abortion leaders are men and, though I can't find any statistics proving this, I'm close to positive that 0% will ever become pregnant. When a 68 year old man says that an 18 year old pregnant woman doesn't understand what she's doing by getting an abortion, it implies that he does, which is egotistical and nauseating at best. I think a lot of women should get together and start dictating what men should do if they ever get testicular cancer. I doubt anyone has ever seen fear like that of a congressional power player being told that he's got to have his gonads removed because of a chance affliction he's acquired (especially if the person telling him was someone like Hillary Clinton). Florynce R. Kennedy once said, "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament." Florynce R. Kennedy, Lord love her, was a smart woman.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've looked into male pregnancy. While it is scientifically possible, it's highly impractical. First, it can only happen through insemination of a fertilized egg. Second, it'd have to be a cesarian birth. Third, it would have to be a male child because a female child would require the ingestion of so many hormones that the pregnant male would effectively be castrated.

I highly doubt any male political leader would be willing to go through with all that.

7:25 PM  
Blogger doggytown said...

I used to be pro-abortion, but then I grew up.

How can anyone be pro-plant life (save the rainforest!), pro-animal life (save the whales!), pro death row inmates' lives (no more death penalty!), yet be anti-human life by being pro-abortion? It is hypocritcal.

There is an argument that abortions are needed in order to protect the lives of the women carrying the baby because the pregnancy could kill the mother. In order for that to be true, we should have seen thousands of pregnant women dying every year BEFORE Roe v. Wade. We know that this was not the case.

Let's cut to the chase. Abortion is about the freedom to have sex without having any of the responsibility that could come with it.

Every time you commit an act, like having sex (that ends in pregnancy), or drive drunk (and end up killing somebody), or anything else, you are accepting responsibility for whatever outcomes occur.

10:43 PM  

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