Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Babaghanoush & the Bee's Knees.

 Babaghanoush & the Bee's Knees

 So Tigger sucker punched some kid at Disney World.
I guess Tiggers are pretty good at pouncing as well. Silly imaginary
feline creatures, they've got no class.


 This season of 24 was released a week early via the Godsend known as
Internet piracy. Being that I have little-to-no self control when it comes to
waiting on these things, I watched all four episodes last week. Bauer's still
the f'ng man, Sir. It's insane how consistently entertaining 24 can be. On a
24 related side note, they're making a Jack Bauer action figure line this
year. What's awesome is that they were supposed to do this a few years ago
but, to quote Kiefer Sutherland himself...


"They tried to come out with one a couple of years ago and they had sent me
the doll for my approval... We took the doll out for a night to have some fun
and we'd had some drinks. We sat it on the corner of the table. We started
torturing him around 11 o'clock at night, and, by two o'clock in the morning,
we had set him on fire in the parking lot. We got up the next day and there
was just this puddle of wax... and then I got a call the next day saying, 'Did
you like the doll?' I said, 'Yeah, it was great.' And they said, 'Well, OK,
good, you gotta send it back to us because that was the



I'm happy to see that the Senate has decided to put a
on lobbyists giving away sporting event tickets in exchange for political
. There's nothing worse than the gun lobby getting a break because
Thad Cochran just HAD to go see a Mighty Ducks game and drink a few
Labbatt's. Maybe next they'll ban lobbyists from giving House members
sloppy head in DC alleyways (I mean, don't they already have pages for that?).


 In other news, Castro's
. I wonder if Raúl's excited or just scared shitless that his big
brother's about to fall out?


Anyways, that's all I got for right now.


- E.




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