Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What a Clever Idea:

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Few Things AC/DC Wants You to Know:

1. They have bigger balls then you.
2. They fucked your sister.
3. And her friend.
4. And your mom.
5. And your girlfriend.
6. Again, comparing the size of their balls to your balls is laughable.
7. While you were reading this, they fucked your sister gain.
8. She liked it.
9. A lot.

A few things.

I'm totally craving this with a side of this. So tonight I'm going to make a shitload of both.

I really want to illegally download Grant Lee Phillip's new album "nineteeneighties" but am having little to no luck in doing so, alas I must actually make a purchase via iTunes(!). It's not that I mind supporting artists that I enjoy, it's just that readily-accessible, zero-cost content's got to be the most addictive thing ever. Ever. Anyways, I hope it doesn't blow.

I'd do Kelly Ripa. In a heart-beat.

And, due to the new Digg, I'd consider doing Kevin Rose as well.

I'm addicted to that helicopter game I blogged yesterday. Very badly.

And finally, I want to know what's in this God-damned box.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Time Killer via Helicopters.

Insane Central Arcade

Or, if you're on crack, you can go this route.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ladies & Gentleman, Mr. Peter Parker...

According to Marvel Comics, they've pulled off "arguably the most shocking event in comic book history," by having Spider-man reveal to the world that he is, in fact, Peter Parker. Personally, I'm not too sure if I agree with Pete's decision to do this, but it should make the books an interesting read as now he'll have to protect his family and friends from the swarm of assorted villians he's thwarted in the past even more than usual. Kind of a chore, really. But the look on J. Jonah Jameson's face when he sees ole' Peter will be priceless.