Yesterday was a good day. Here's a few of the things that filled my day:
1. First, I got paid. That's always a nice thing to have happen. I got my money and hung out with the work peeps for a little while and just shot the shit.
2. Went to Target to look at the newly legal fireworks section and ended up buying a replacement cd case that's made out of wood and a guilty pleasure.
3. Indulged in a simple lunch of a chili cheese burger and a Diet Peach Tea Snapple. Yum!
4. It started doing that sunny, yet raining like Hell thing outside. I went out and walked in the street and watched the steam rise off the pavement as all the rain hit it. I then took off my shirt and just enjoyed the downpour from the best seat in the house; Right in the middle of it. Finally I went in and dried off, putting on some comfy jeans, a tagless t-shirt, and a fishing cap I haven't worn in at least 2 years. It's fun not giving a shit.
5. Ran some errands before going out to eat with the family. Had a combination plate involving ribs & a 8 oz sirloin cooked so rare it actually frightened my nephew, fries, a cup of chili, and two dark ales. Could not have been happier.
6. I dropped off everyone at the house and switched out cars, as the sky had started looking a lot like a Monet painting and I wanted to take the convertible out to enjoy it. I threw an older Kinks record into the cd player and just drove through the country for a while, it felt fantastic.
7. I grabbed a latte on the way home so I could enjoy it while I listened to some NPR podcasts I'd been meaning to catch up on. I've always really liked NPR and it loans itself to podcasting in a really nice way. I read somewhere that podcasting is like Tivo for radio, I think that's about the best way to sum it up.
8. Around 10:00 I put my head down to the pillow for the night because I had to be at work today by 7:00 am. It felt nice to go to bed before 2 or 3 in the morning, I felt normal again. The normal feeling came complete with a unexpected, humorous, and straight-out vindicating phone call from someone that's caused me some grief as of late. Man, I love being right.
Anyways, that was my Friday. I enjoyed it thoroughly, every step of it. Now it's Saturday and I'm at work, so that earns a "blah" but all in all I'm not complaining. Friday was just too damned good. Hope yours was too.
- Eric.
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