Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Starting soon, I want to, every two weeks, drive with a full tank of gas in any random direction and just see where I end up and take pictures of the trip. Is this a stupid idea? Probably, but it still sounds like a decent way to clear the head and get into some fun situations. Thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the type of romantics that sounds better said, then done.

One thing I used to do, and still do every once in a while, is adventure walk. Go to a park, or any woody area, and make your own path. It's impossible to get lost, almost all areas are devided up into kill forest squares by roads. But, it's amazing what you see and find; from animals, to garbage from the 1920s.

6:55 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

kill = little there.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

I think it's a brilliant idea. Let me know how it turns out. ;-)

11:15 PM  

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