Reformed Diet.
I think I'm going to try to cut high fructose corn syrup out of my diet. It's not completely possible and it won't be easy, but I just don't want to have any part of it. It's bad for me and I know it's not helping the nation's obesity problem by any stretch of imagination. I thought about this as I was clearing my head through driving and decided to see how hard it would be by stopping at a gas station and getting a drink that didn't contain any HFCS. This didn't prove too difficult, as there are a plethora of diet drinks available that steer clear of it, but who really wants diet drinks? I picked up loads of Snapple and was shot down every time after looking at the ingredient list (I wasn't surprised) but I have to admit I got a little worried when I picked up my favorite Snapple flavor, Diet Peach Iced Tea. I was afraid I'd have to cut this out of my diet and peach tea is a beverage I enjoy often. Thankfully, it was without HFCS so I bought one in celebration. Hooray for me.
On a side note, I respect Orin Smith. He's a very smart man who's made it off very well in his business. He's the CEO of a corporation I'm sure you've heard of and pulled in $2,145,000 in 2001. I respect him because no one knows his name. He hasn't turned his being CEO of a huge corporation into an excuse to become an idiot playboy and he doesn't write foolish business books (Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jack Welch take note). All this and I've never seen a single commercial for his company; it's all word of mouth. I go there, you go there, and so do a lot of people you know. I'm not saying what business he runs, but I will say that instead of making big commercials or anything like that, they just signed a cool deal with Bob Dylan instead. Look into him; he's a smart man.
Yeah, he's smart. He duped America into thinking shit tastes like coffee.
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