Thursday, January 26, 2006

What's black, white, and pink all over? (Not a newspaper)

A recent bulletin I saw:

Our local newspaper has decided they will not print information on the PRIDE club, cause it is not a club on the school campus. This is the decision from the editor who is very homophobic--he just doesn't want any good coverage to help influence minds out here. I know this for sure cause Denise Etheridge, who is very symphatic to our cause, told me that was the editor's decision. She was going to do a story about PRIDE, but he told her to not bother.

White County Ga.

My Response to it:

I'm local and very homophobic. But that's because there was a huge notice in the paper a few months ago that said if you supported any kind of "gaying," as they called it, that you wouldn't be allowed to ever masturbate to John Wayne movies and/or eat chicken again. Dude, I hate chicken, but I'll never give up the Duke. Not ever.

Peace, Love, & Afro-Picks,

- Eric "Ray Gights" Baehr.


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